Program Models
This Massachusetts program provides access to treatment and recovery services for those with opioid use disorder appearing in court
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Report with evaluation
- Early Intervention
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Overdose prevention
- Recovery coaching
This promising pilot program in Chicago linked individuals to medications for opioid use disorder following an opioid overdose
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Early Intervention
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Outreach
- Post-overdose response
A rapidly expanding referral program connecting those with opioid and substance use disorder to medication for addiction treatment
- Treatment
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Cautious Opioid Prescribing
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Post-overdose response
Communities can encourage adoption of overdose detection technologies that enable timely medical intervention

- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Overdose prevention
- Post-overdose response
Prescription guidelines adopted by Maine hospital emergency departments help to reduce opioid prescriptions and dental pain emergency department visits
- Prevention
- Peer-reviewed
- Cautious Opioid Prescribing
Innovative training of service workers in New York City supports effective response to suspected overdoses in public restrooms
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Educational
- Overdose prevention
Primary prevention strategies in Michigan targeted towards children and adolescents to promote cautious opioid prescribing and increase appropriate disposal of unused prescription opioid medications
- Prevention
- Peer-reviewed
- Cautious Opioid Prescribing
- Educational
- Family Support
A hospital-based intervention and referral program in Delaware for patients presenting with substance use disorders
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Early Intervention
- Post-overdose response
- Recovery coaching
This free helpline provides opioid education, one-on-one coaching, and referrals to opioid treatment and recovery resources
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Crisis intervention
- Early Intervention
- Educational
- Recovery coaching
A bilingual, bicultural behavioral health center providing a comprehensive continuum of care that specializes in serving the Latinx community in Massachusetts
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Comprehensive services
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Recovery coaching
A toolkit developed in Oregon to raise awareness among pharmacists about the opioid crisis, increase their access to PDMP data, and facilitate safe opioid dispensing
- Prevention
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Cautious Opioid Prescribing
- Overdose prevention
A New Jersey peer support program offering round the clock recovery services for individuals with substance use disorders, whether presenting at emergency departments or admitted as in-patients.
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Post-overdose response
- Recovery coaching
A crisis intervention team in Indianapolis that responds to behavioral health crises to divert individuals away from the criminal justice and healthcare systems
- Treatment
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Report with evaluation
- Crisis intervention
- Diversion
- Early Intervention
A distance education system for physicians, first developed in New Mexico, which enhances a state's capacity to treat opioid use disorder
- Treatment
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- COVID / Coronavirus related
- Educational
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
A mutual support model, originally developed in Massachusetts, that can provide family members affected by opioid use disorder with support, reduce stigma in the community, and increase the targeted distribution of naloxone.
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Replicated
- Educational
- Family Support
- Overdose prevention
First responders in Camden, New Jersey provide buprenorphine to overdose survivors, mitigating withdrawal symptoms and increasing access to treatment
- Treatment
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Post-overdose response
An innovative recovery community organization model that provides the community with both recovery support services and harm reduction services
- Recovery
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Comprehensive services
- Educational
- Overdose prevention
- Syringe service program / Needle exchange
An educational intervention developed in Pennsylvania aimed at providing a better understanding of the opioid crisis targeted to public health and healthcare professionals in training
- Prevention
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Cautious Opioid Prescribing
- Educational
- Overdose prevention
A Kentucky-based program connects child protection services and recovery specialists with families to ensure child safety and access to treatment for parents with substance use disorders
- Treatment
- Recovery
- Peer-reviewed
- Crisis intervention
- Early Intervention
- Family Support
- Recovery coaching
A peer-delivered, emergency department-based response to a nonfatal overdose in New York City that is grounded in harm reduction
- Treatment
- Harm Reduction
- Peer-reviewed
- Housing, Education, and Employment
- Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- Overdose prevention
- Post-overdose response
- Recovery coaching