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This Opioid and Health Indicators database allows the user to find state and local statistics for overdose deaths, infectious disease prevalence, healthcare utilization and overview related to opioid use disorder, opioid prescriptions, and facilities providing syringe exchange and medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD).

This is a report prepared for the Appalachian Regional Commission that gives detailed data on deaths of despair in the Appalachian region, which include drug overdose deaths, suicides, and alcohol-related deaths. Trends in deaths are reported from 1999-2018, reported by region and demographics, and are compared to non-Appalachian regions. 

This interactive mapping tool allows users to visualize the geographic distribution of the behavioral health workforce by provider type (e.g., buprenorphine prescriber, social worker) and by Medicaid acceptance status.

This is a state-administered annual survey that estimates prevalence and trends in health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services. 

This is a website from the National Institute for Health Care Management that provides data on the fourth wave of the opioid crisis, polysubstance use involving opioids and stimulants, such as cocaine and methamphetamine. 

This is a report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality that shows that Blacks are experiencing fast-rising rates of drug overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids other than methadone, an 18-fold increase from 2013-2017 which is higher than any other racial group. 

This report from the CDC analyzes provisional data for nearly half of the states in the United States from the first half of 2019. Preliminary results show that nearly a third of overdose deaths involved opioids and stimulants, 80% of overdose deaths involved opioids (mostly fentanyl), and three out of five overdose deaths had a documented potential opportunity to deliver overdose prevention services. 

This report from the CDC shows overdose deaths by age, gender, race/ethnicity, urban/rural community, and selected state over the time period 2013 to 2017.

This report from the CDC compares drug, opioid-involved, and heroin-involved overdose mortality rates in Washington state among American Indians and Alaska Natives to those of other racial/ethnic groups during the time period 1999 to 2015. 

This report from the CDC analyzes Illicit drug use and drug use disorders during 2003–2014, and drug overdose deaths during 1999–2015 by metropolitan versus nonmetropolitan areas. 

This is a report from the CDC that shows the increase of syringe service programs (SSP) offering overdose education and naloxone education (OEND) over time. 94% of SSPs were offering OEND in 2019, up from 55% in 2013. However, there is geographic variation, with southeastern states and middle Atlantic states still lagging behind despite high overdose death rates. 

This is an online database from the CDC that provides detailed information on mortality. Opioid overdoses can be examined by specific opioid type at the county level. 

This is a dashboard developed by New York University and supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that provides a wide range of data points for cities across the United States, including opioid overdose death rate and other health outcomes, demographics, and social and economic factors. 

The CMS opioid prescribing mapping tools are interactive tools that show geographic comparisons of de-identified opioid prescriptions filled within the United States. The mapping tools allow users to see both the number and percentage of opioid prescriptions in the Medicare and Medicaid Programs in order to better understand how this critical issue impacts states and communities nationwide.

The Medicare Part D opioid prescribing mapping tool is an interactive tool that allows the user to see both the number and percentage of opioid claims at the local level in order to better understand how this critical issue impacts communities nationwide. By openly sharing data in a secure, broad, and interactive way, the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) believe that this level of transparency will inform community awareness among providers and local public health officials.

This is a mapping tool from the CDC that gives drug overdose deaths rates at the county level and allows users to do visualize trends by county and rural-urban differences by state. 

This resource is an Interactive Mapping Tool which gives an overview of nonfatal drug overdoses in the United States organized by state. This dashboard represents the most up-to-date data in terms of emergency department visit trends and is updated monthly. 

This database from the CDC allows users to examine prevalence of and trends in nonfatal overdoses for 47 states and the District of Columbia beginning in 2018. 

This paper from the CDC gives comparisons of drug overdose deaths between 2017 and 2018 and highlights the emergence of a polysubstance crisis. 

This report from the CDC shows overdose deaths by age, gender, race/ethnicity, urban/rural community, and selected states over the time period 1999 to 2018. 

This research report from Altarum calculates the overall economic cost of the opioid crisis as well as a breakdown of the overall costs and who is bearing the burden. The report estimates that the cost has been $1 trillion since 2001 with the largest loss being loss of productivity. 

This online tool provides information on broadband deserts that could identify areas of the United States that will struggle with telehealth access, such as buprenorphine treatment via telehealth. 

This study reports trends in opioid overdose deaths from 1999 to 2020 broken down by metropolitan status, thus providing urban-rural differences at the national level. 

This is an annual report on drug misuse in the United States by Quest Diagnostics using data from urine drug screens. In particular, there is focus on prescription opioid and illicit opioid misuse. 

This is an annual report on drug misuse in the United States by Quest Diagnostics using data from urine drug screens. There is also a physician perspective, by survey, on prescription drug misuse. 

This is a report from the National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine that provides an in-depth examination on the slowing down of the growth and eventual decrease of life expectancy in the U.S. with a focus on an increase in deaths of despair (drug overdose deaths, alcohol-related deaths, and suicides) among working-age adults. 

From the Kaiser Family Foundation, this set of data from 1999-2017 shows opioid overdose by:

The data from this analysis is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Wonder Online Database.

This is a report from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services which estimates that 2.8% of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries had an opioid use disorder, disproportionately affecting Indigenous and Black populations, those with co-morbid mental health or chronic pain conditions, and people with disabilities. 

This is an interactive mapping tool that gives an overview of what types of medications for opioid use disorder are provided in state prisons (methadone, buprenorphine, and/or naltrexone) at the state level along with supporting documents for this data. 

This is a school-based national survey done annually on 8th, 10th, and 12th graders specifically on substance use. 

The Evolution of the Opioid Crisis: 2000-2017 is a series of interactive maps:

  • Identify the evolution of the opioid crisis
  • Sources and Burden of Opioid Deaths
  • Overcoming Opioids: Paths to Progress
  • The Opioid Crisis: Treating Addiction and Saving Lives
  • The Opioid Crisis: Understanding Pain and Preventing Opioid Misuse

A national survey of treatment providers done every year which can help assess the nature and extent of the services provided and in forecasting treatment resource requirements as well as analyze general treatment services trends.

A national survey of people in the United States done every year that provides data on the estimated prevalence of opioid use and opioid use disorder, as well as other substance use, substance use disorders, and mental health conditions. 

This NCHS report uses data from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) to update trends in drug overdose deaths, describe demographic and geographic patterns, and identify shifts in the types of drugs involved.

This interactive dashboard from the federal government gives nonfatal drug overdose data at the state and county level reported by emergency medical services, which is more comprehensive data that includes some nonfatal overdoses where people do not go to an emergency department. 

This surveillance dashboard from the ONDCP allows users to track non-fatal opioid overdoses in near real-time on both the county and state levels

This website gives access to a report that provides an international comparison of opioid prescribing and opioid-related deaths, highlighting the opioid crisis in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. 

NORC at the University of Chicago has created this tool to allow users to map overdose hotspots and overlay them with data that provide additional context to opioid use disorder and death - including the strength and diversity of local economies, ethnicity, educational attainment, and disability status of residents.  Maps are specific to the United States and to the Appalachian region

This website from the Pew Charitable Trusts provides the state policy landscape for opioid treatment programs (OTPs) and highlights policy barriers and facilitators in accessing methadone treatment in each state. 

This website has an interactive map that looks at deaths from alcohol, suicides, and drugs for each state. A downloadable report offers an extensive national resilience strategy. 

This issue brief from Trust for America's Health and Well-Being Trust provides national and state data from 1999-2017 on deaths of despair, which are defined as deaths attributed to drug overdoses, suicides, and alcohol poisoning/alcohol-related liver disease. 

This is an issue brief that provides an update on the first two "Pain in the Nation" reports. Opioid overdose deaths have declined but deaths involving alcohol, suicide, synethetic opioids, and psychostimulants continue to rise. Prior responses to the opioid crisis are highlighted, experts are interviewed, and recommendations are made. 

This is a report from the Well Being Trust that predicts, across nine different scenarios, additional deaths of despair range from 27,644 (quick recovery) to 154,037 (slow recovery), with somewhere in the middle being around 68,000. 

This SAMHSA report uses combined 2015-2019 data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health to present nationally representative estimates of substance use, substance use disorders, and substance use treatment utilization among people aged 12 or older within different racial/ethnic groups in the United States. The aim of this report is to serve as a benchmark for examining future national-level changes these categories, specifically in the context of relevant policy changes. 

This interactive mapping tool allows users to overlay treatment data, social factors, and overdose death data at the county level to provide a better understanding of the needs of communities. 

The Recovery 101 section of the Recovery Research Institute website has data for different populations and many other recovery-related resources.

This is an issue brief from the American Medical Association (AMA) that provides regularly updated literature (news articles and reports on the local, state, and federal levels) on the increase in opioid-related consequences due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

The Rural Health Data Explorer allows you to select from a wide range of data. Estimated age-adjusted drug poisoning mortality. Drug overdose deaths national and by state, 1999-2016. 

This research and policy brief from the Maine Rural Health Research Center (authors Lenardson, Gale, and Ziller) examines the prevalence of non-medical use of pain relievers and heroin in the past year in rural and urban areas and the socio-demographic and economic characteristics associated with their use. Potential strategies are presented in the discussion section of the brief. 

The 2014 Update of the Rural-Urban Chartbook is from the Rural Health Reform Policy Research Center, NORC at the University of Chicago.

An interactive tool from the RAND Corporation that gives trends for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) from 2009-2015 for states and counties.  

This report displays which states continue to allow tele-health prescriptions for medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) through an interactive map. Each state is assigned a color based on whether or not the state explicitly allows tele-health prescriptions. It provides a snapshot of current tele-health MOUD state policy 18 months into the pandemic. 

This database from the CDC allows users to examine prevalence of fatal overdoses for 28 states and the District of Columbia in 2020. Comprehensive information on decedents is given beyond what is available on a death certificate.  

This is an academic paper that estimates the economic burden of the opioid crisis on Medicaid from 1999-2013. During this time period, the number of Medicaid beneficiaries with opioid use disorder (OUD) increased 378% and healthcare costs due to OUD more than tripled. 

This working paper (authors Brill and Ganz) from the American Enterprise Institute provides an estimation of the economic cost of the opioid crisis to each state and each county. 

This research brief examines relationships between indicators of economic opportunity and the prevalence of prescription opioids and substance use in the United States. It also explains that overall, areas with lower economic opportunities are disproportionately affected by the opioid crisis, but the extent of that relationship varies regionally.

This issue brief focuses on the opioid crisis in rural and small communities in the United States. It presents evidence on urban-rural differences in overdose mortality across geography and type of opioid. It also graphically shows states with rural populations that have the highest overdose death rates, identifies rural challenges and recommends strategies. 

This mapping tool provides a geographic view of opioid prescriptions and other indicators in the United States. This allows for a better comparison to be made between different states and counties and their respective rates of opioid prescriptions and opioid overdoses. 

This brief from the State Health Access Data Assistance Center examines the United States opioid crisis, analyzing trends in overdose deaths from heroin and other opioids, such as prescription painkillers. Using vital statistics data, it also looks at differences in opioid deaths by age, sex, race/ethnicity and urbanization.

This is a report from the Council of Economic Advisers at the White House that discusses supply and demand factors that have driven the opioid crisis. Initially driving prescription opioid deaths, prescription opioid prices fell in conjunction with expanded government health care coverage and a rising market share of generic opioids. The second wave of the opioid crisis was largely driven by an expansion in the supply of illicit opioids, reducing their prices, along with medical and public health steps implemented to reduce opioid prescribing, likely leading to an increased demand for illicitly manufactured opioids. 

This Council of Economic Advisors report from 2017 estimates the economic cost of opioid overdose deaths using conventional economic estimates for valuing life routinely used by U.S. Federal agencies. It also adjusts for underreporting of opioids in overdose deaths, includes heroin-related fatalities, and incorporates nonfatal costs of opioid misuse. 

This is a national data system of both annual admissions and discharges from substance use disorder treatment facilities, predominantly those that are publicly-funded. 

This is a report from the CDC that gives updated information on drug overdose deaths in the United States. There was an increase in overdose deaths overall in 2019, largely driven by synthetic opioids. There has been a substantial increase in the presence of synthetic opioids in overdose deaths in the West and of methamphetamine in overdose deaths in the Northeast. 

This is a report from the CDC that discusses the difference between rural and urban areas in the types of opioids involved in drug overdose deaths, deaths involving psychostimulants, geographic differences, and trends over the time period 1999-2019. 

Using National Vital Statistics System mortality data (2002-2004 and 2014-2016), this study examined associations of county-level demographic, socioeconomic, and labor market characteristics on overall drug mortality rates and specific classes of opioid mortality. 

This is an academic paper that shows data on occupations that are at highest risk for fatal opioid overdoses in Massachusetts, some potential reasons for this higher risk, and organizational policies that can mitigate this risk. 

This is a national school-based survey done annually that measures risky behaviors in youth, including substance use and misuse.