Informational Websites

Displaying 1 - 20 of 41

The Addiction Policy Forum: Solutions by State is a website that gives a state-by-state run down of innovative solutions implemented in communities to address the opioid crisis. 

This is a website funded by SAMHSA, entitled "Taking Action Against Opioid Misuse", that provides resources, such as educational packages and trainings, for professionals in treatment and recovery services. 

The American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence works with federal and state agency officials concerning opioid treatment policy throughout the United States. Their website provides access to resources, trainings, and webinars. 

The American Society of Addiction Medicine is a professional medical society in the field of addiction medicine. Their website contains educational resources and policy advocacy resources and toolkits. 

The Center for Health and Justice at the Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC) is an organization that works at the intersection of criminal justice and behavioral health policy with a special emphasis on diversion, reentry, and promoting evidence-based strategies. 

This is a website from the Health In Justice Action Lab that addresses many myths surrounding the opioid crisis that increase stigma, such as fentanyl exposure by first responders, misunderstandings of medications for opioid use disorder, and misinformed push back to harm reduction strategies, as well as an emphasize on the language we use to describe the opioid crisis.  

This is a website that provides hundreds of podcasts with experts on the opioid crisis. In addition, successful programs and resources are highlighted. 

The CLOUD website through the Center for Evidence-Based Policy at Oregon Health & Science University is a database of vetted opioid resources targeted to three main stakeholder groups: policymakers and community leaders, payers and providers, and patients and caregivers. 

The Drug Policy Alliance is a nonprofit organization that aims to advance sensible policies and attitudes that best reduce the harms of both drug use and drug prohibition. Their website provides resources and educational material on criminal justice reform, harm reduction, and the war on drugs. 

The Faces and Voices of Recovery website offers access to information and data on recovery from substance use disorders.

This is a mapping website from the Harm Reduction Coalition that allows users to search for access to naloxone and syringe service programs. 

This is the website of the Foundation of Opioid Response Efforts (FORE), a national, private, grantmaking foundation that funds innovative responses to the opioid crisis and disseminates evidence-based best practices through webinars that feature a panel of experts. 

The Grayken Center for Addiction at Boston Medical Center is committed to making long-term recovery a reality for every patient through innovative treatment, education, and research programs. 

This website provides a trauma- and evidence-informed support group model that can be replicated to enhance peer support groups serving a diversity of populations in recovery, including mothers and people with experience of homelessness or incarceration. 

The Harm Reduction Coalition is an organization that challenges the persistent stigma faced by people who use drugs and advocates for policy and public health reform. Their website contains many harm reduction-oriented resources. 

This website from the National Academy for State Health Policy gives extensive information on how each state is allocating and using opioid settlement funds.

The Institute for Research, Education, & Training in Addictions (IRETA) is a public health organization that provides free trainings, webinars, case studies of interventions, and prescriber education to help people respond to substance use and related problems. 

This is a website that tracks the number of state prisons and county jails that provide medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) across the United States. It also includes implementation resources and literature that supports MOUD in criminal justice settings. 

This is a website that provides online meetings and in-person meeting locations for a 12-Step fellowship specifically for those using medications, who sometimes feel stigmatized in other 12-Step fellowships. 

This is a website presented by the Legislative Analysis and Public Policy Association (LAPPA) that provides a wide range of model policies to address the opioid crisis at the state level as well as other tools.